These 15 science and technology priority research areas for the Philippines in 2021 have been listed by Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Secretary Fortunato de la Peña.
The DOST chief went on social media on January 5, 2021, to list the agency’s priorities for the year that include the Research and Development Agenda while continuing its development of solutions to the coronavirus pandemic.
Secretary de la Peña announced the establishment of niche R&D centers in the regions (NICERs) to address the nation’s need for disaster risk reduction solutions, industry and energy-related R&D, and biomedical devices development.
DOST will also focus on how to facilitate effective learning for its scholars amid the new learning environment.
High priority will be given to support start-ups including technology business incubation, and more collaborative R&D projects between industry and academe or RDI’s will be supported.
Among the DOST priority R&D areas in the different sectors are the following:
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1. Expansion of the coconut hybridization program in cooperation with the Philippine Coconut Authority
2. Additional R&D projects in support of the Native Livestock Development Program
3. R&D on aquaculture species that have potentials for food security and export including Giant Freshwater Shrimp or “Ulang” and Saline Tilapia
4. R&D in support of native fruits for which niche R&D centers in the regions (NICERs) have been put up including citrus, queen pineapple, and tamarind
5. Pilot testing of locally developed agricultural machines
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6. Smart Food Value Chain
7. MSMEs Low Carbon Transition
8. Sustainable Mineral Resources Utilization
9. Use of AI and Robotics Technologies for Infrastructure and Disaster Management Application
10.Space Technology Applications in Public Services
11.An Anti-Dengue Drug Candidate (a capsule composed of three plants)
12.COVID-19 Programs
13.Food Safety and Nutrition
14.Biomedical Devices in lieu of Biomedical Services
15.Virology Research & Studies
The DOST has spearheaded and partnered with various institutions in the conduct of various researches and development of technologies that provided solutions to the coronavirus pandemic.
SEND WELL WISHES in the comments below to DOST as it pursues the 15 Science & Technology Priority Research Areas for the Philippines in 2021.
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Source: Good News Pilipinas