Gary Granada, Jess Santiago live online-onsite at 70’s Bistro for human rights ed

Gary Granada (Left) continues to make his concerts viewable live online to benefit Shareware Community’s human rights education work, joining him tonight is poet Jess Santiago. Photos from artists’ FB accounts.

Filipino singer-songwriters Gary Granada and Jess Santiago are combining their poetry and music in a rare live gig tonight at the iconic 70’s Bistro where audiences can watch either face-to-face onsite at the popular Anonas, Quezon City spot or online via the Shareware Community platform.

The music show titled “Words & Music by Gary Granada plus Jess Santiago” goes live on February 8, 2023, Wednesday evening, presented by the Center for Disaster Preparedness and Learn Human Rights in One Hour, the human rights education program of Shareware Community.

Gary Granada is best known for his lyrics and commentary that address social realities, such as the award-winning song “Bahay” and haunting “Saranggola sa Ulan”, as well as his popular “Salamat Musika”, “Mabuti Pa Sila”, and Barangay Ginebra ditties, among many more fan favorites.

Jess Santiago is a Palanca Award-winning poet, songwriter, singer-composer, and protest musician whose songs “Halina”, “Obando”, and “Pitong Libong Pulo”, among many others, are social movement staple music.

Gary Granada and Jess Santiago together on stage is a rare sight and treat for audiences at the 70’s Bistro – and luckily for more people who cannot go on site, will be viewable online via the Shareware platform that staged the series of Pancitan Online Concerts last year which featured Granada, Noel Cabangon, Bayang Barrios, Chickoy Pura, Cooky Chua, among many others.

“Words & Music by Gary Granada plus Jess Santiago” goes live on February 8, 2023, at 8 pm.

Onsite tables and online access can be reserved via this Online Reservation link.

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Source: Good News Pilipinas

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