Batangas State University (BatStateU) student teams won the championship and two merit awards for their sustainable energy projects using artificial intelligence during the Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC) 2022 held in celebration of National Engineers Day in Singapore.
The Philippine national engineering university’s Team AI-quaponics-360 was declared champion for its AI-enhanced aquaponics system designed for food sustainability and security through urban farming, while teams AI-Rover and AI 3D SET GO received merit awards for their AI-optimized intelligence road quality monitoring system and 3-D printed adsorbents for wastewater remediation, respectively.
Champion team AI-quaponics-360, composed of BS Electronics Engineering students Marc James Beltran, John Vincent Biscocho, Lawrence De Castro, Maria Nelly Magboo, and Jerico Matibag, was mentored by Dr. Alvin Alon, BatStateU head of the Digital Transformation Center, and received a cash prize worth S$8,000 or roughly PHP330,000.
LOOK: BatStateU wins big in the recently concluded Engineering Innovation Challenge 2022 in Singapore.
BatStateU bagged the championship and two merit awards in the University category for their innovative use of AI in their entries.https://t.co/xhCB3UyxbZ https://t.co/gShHZfEEOM
— Xander Lauren Cipriano (@xndrlauren) November 22, 2022
Team AI-Rover was comprised of John Lloyd Austria, Alyssa Mharbie Aleta, Nicole Librea, James Mondelo, and John Carlo Padua, while Team AI 3D SET GO was composed of Lawrence Portillo, Alvin Javier, Andrea Rubia, and Abigayle Vince Cruz.
The two merit-awarded groups were coached by Dr. Anton Louise P. De Ocampo, head of the Electronic Systems Research Center, and Dr. Reymark D. Maalihan, head of the Material Testing and Calibration Center, respectively.

The EIC 2022 held at the PSB Academy in Singapore on November 19 is the 8th edition of the annual engineering competition previously known as the Energy Innovation Challenge. It features competitions in 4 categories: Secondary School, Junior College, ITE & Polytechnic, and University.
It is jointly organized by the Institution of Engineers – Singapore and the Science Centre Singapore and supported by the Ministry of Education – Singapore.
Earlier this year, BatStateU’s WONDERPETS all-girl student team won first place with its water pollution reduction solution in the 2022 World Engineering Day Hackathon supported by UNESCO.
BatStateU is also known for optimizing the creation of face shields for health workers using 3D-printing technology through a vacuum-forming method that reduced its production time per item to just six minutes.
SEND CONGRATULATIONS in the comments below to the winning teams from BatStateU for successfully representing the Philippines after winning the championship and merit awards in the University Category of the Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC) 2022 in Singapore!
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Source: Good News Pilipinas