Iloilo City Shines on Global Stage at UN’s Bridge for Cities Forum, Spearheading Climate Initiatives

Iloilo City, known for its accessible bike lanes, stuns fellow world cities with its game-changing climate programs. Iloilo City Government, Jerry Treñas photos.

Iloilo City shared its pioneering climate initiatives on the world stage as the lone Philippine city invited to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s Bridge for Cities forum. From biker-friendly lanes to green urban spaces, Iloilo displayed how it is paving the way for a sustainable city lifestyle. This momentous participation not only places Iloilo on the international map for climate action but also serves as a proud testament to the city’s commitment to sustainable urban living.

Held in Vienna, Austria from September 4 to 5, 2023, the forum’s theme “Accelerating Climate Action through Urban Innovation” centered on sustainable transportation practices. Iloilo joined the cities of Glasgow in Scotland, Lilongwe in Malawi, Munster in Germany, Gyumri in Armenia, Kranj in Slovenia, Phnom Penh in Cambodia, and Amman in Jordan at the event.

Bridge for Cities is a yearly international forum in which cities “exchange knowledge and best practices on urban-industrial development trends around the world,” according to its website. Anchored on the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, delegates from cities worldwide discuss their approaches to sustainability and foster inter-city collaborations.

“The 2023 edition of Bridge for Cities on ‘Accelerating Climate Action through Urban Innovation’ seeks to bring together urban stakeholders from cities along the Belt and Road and beyond to discuss the latest urban development solutions and explore how urban innovation can drive climate action and create more sustainable, resilient, and livable cities,” Bridge for Cities stated.

At the UN forum, Iloilo City had the chance to convey its achievements in the realm of climate justice. Specifically, the city shared its best practices in creating a network of bike lanes, bolstering green spaces, and advancing low-emissions transportation.

Bike Capital of the Philippines

The city, which is named the Bike Capital of the Philippines, first underscored its initiative to create a “green lane” for bike riders. Sharing the highlights of the city’s discussion at the forum, the City Government of Iloilo stated in a Facebook post, “[Iloilo City] embarked on a bike lane linkage project to connect three major bike lane networks – Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr. Avenue, the University Loop, and the 12-kilometer bikeable section of Iloilo River Esplanade, plazas and parks across the city, as we aim to have a bikeable and walkable city thus reducing our carbon footprint.”


Tree Parks Rising in the City

The city in Western Visayas stated that it is also taking a stand for the environment through its Iloilo Tree Park Development Project. Overall, it aims to establish three green spaces in Lanit in Jaro, Boulevard in Molo, and Hinactacan in La Paz. The tree park in Lanit is currently being developed, with the City Government adding that it can “sequester up to 33 tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide) per year”.

Eco-Friendly City Transport

Supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Iloilo City also imparted its ongoing initiatives for environmentally-friendly transportation, noting that its local transportation routes have been specifically designed with sustainability in mind. Today, 10 electric vehicles are plying the Tagbak-City Proper route, and 500 modern jeepneys in Iloilo City now have low-carbon engines; the city’s plans to establish e-vehicle bus rapid transit is currently in the works. Iloilo City added that it aims to create more green routes in the business district.

Philippine Climate Resilience Cities

Furthermore, the city is also partnering with the United States Agency for International Development and the Korean International Cooperation Agency for the Philippine Climate Resilience Cities Project. Signed on August 30, 2023, the project is set to “improve climate resilience by enhancing [our] capacity to understand and use climate adaptation technology,” the City Government stated in the Facebook post. Iloilo City is one of the pilot sites of the international project.

Recognitions for Sustainable Practices

With this, Iloilo City shared its various recognitions for its progressive climate programs. At the Low Carbon Transport Project of UNDP and the Department of Transportation, the city was named the Most Progressive Low Carbon Transport City on August 31, 2023. Beyond this, the city has won the I-Bike Galing Pook Awards, Mobility Gold Award, and Bike Lanes Award.

“Iloilo is showing in the international arena that a city in the Philippines is on its way to sustainability,” said Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas in a separate statement on the City Government’s Facebook page. “All these are happening because of the community efforts made by the Ilonggos. We are showing everyone that not only we can do it – we are already doing it!”

Explore Iloilo City’s innovative programs to help the environment! In 2020, the city planted 5,000 bamboo trees to boost air quality. This year, renewable energy will now have a heightened reach among the city’s public, allowing them to save cash.

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Source: Good News Pilipinas

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