To safeguard the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, Laguna province has passed a landmark ordinance protecting individuals from discrimination on the basis of gender.
The Laguna Gender-Fair Ordinance Act approved on June 30, 2023, penalizes gender-based prejudice in employment, education, the delivery of goods and services, and accommodation. Ridicule, harassment, unjust detention, and involuntary confinement are also proclaimed unlawful. Under the legislation, one cannot create groups that promote LGBTQIA+ discrimination, and companies cannot refuse entry or service to individuals because of actual or perceived gender.
Notably, the law mandates that all-gender restrooms be incorporated in all government agencies, private offices, and commercial/industrial establishments in Laguna. In the health sector, the Provincial Government pledges to “monitor and ensure that provisions for gender-sensitive, gender-responsive, and accessible health services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender [people] are available both at the hospitals within the province and barangay health centers”. The LGBTQIA+ community’s ease of access to STD-related healthcare, especially HIV treatment, is also being pushed.
With the gender-fair ordinance, women and LGBTQIA+ individuals can file complaints to the Chairman of the Barangay. The law further establishes the Laguna Equality Council, which will execute the law and record complaints. Auxiliary Local Equality Councils will then be created in Laguna’s cities and municipalities.
The legislation was drafted by Dr. Chester Buama of Laguna State Polytechnic University, while the Committee on Women and Family conducted an intersectoral dialogue with Lagueño stakeholders. Queer organizations throughout the province, such as the University of the Philippines Los Baños’ student organization Babaylan, were quick to applaud the law’s approval. The Laguna chapter of the Gabriela Women’s Party added that it was “willing to work with the Provincial Government to ensure its strict and effective implementation”.
A milestone for Laguna: the Provincial Government has passed an ordinance penalizing discrimination on the basis of gender. Such a victory for the LGBTQ+ community!
Source https://t.co/2UFYvh54J8 pic.twitter.com/wWqYsKxh9g
— Summer Sanares (@scvannasummer) July 4, 2023
The municipality of Los Baños had previously passed a similar ordinance prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE) back in 2018. Other local governments throughout the country, such as Iloilo City, Bataan, and Zamboanga City, have approved comparable anti-discrimination ordinances defending the LGBTQIA+ sector.
Nationally, the clamor for the SOGIE Bill has grown since it was first filed in 2000. As of May 2023, the bill has been approved on the committee level. Advocates hope that locally-led SOGIE legislation will inspire the passage of its national-level iteration.
In 2020, Pasig City provided cash aid to LGBTQIA+ individuals with children. Filipino children’s storybooks have also welcomed the inclusion of gender equality and diversity as key themes.
SEND CONGRATULATIONS in the comments below to the people of Laguna for this milestone in anti-discrimination legislation!
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