How These 7 Filipinos Broke Into Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia List

Discover how seven inspiring Filipinos are shaping the future of tech, finance, arts, and e-commerce in the region. Forbes photos: (top left) Aaron Villegas, (top right) Isabel Sicat, (bottom left) David Marquez, (bottom right) Rui Aguiar, King Alandy Dy, Jeff Tan, and Jig Young.

In a year marked by unprecedented global challenges, young entrepreneurs have risen to the forefront, offering innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Among them, seven bright Filipinos made it to the prestigious Forbes’ “30 Under 30 Asia” list for 2023, marking their influence in industries ranging from technology to fashion.

Filipinos behind the creative companies Lista, Expedock, Toqa, and Shipmates join Asia’s 300 young founders, leaders, and entrepreneurs who have launched companies showing how “creativity has proven to be a valuable asset to survive—and thrive—amid tougher circumstances”.

Expedock: Rui Aguiar (25), King Alandy Dy (25), Jeff Tan (25), and Jig Young (27)

On the Industry, Manufacturing & Energy front, the founders of Expedock have made their mark. Rui Aguiar, King Alandy Dy, Jeff Tan, and Jig Young have been acknowledged by Forbes for using artificial intelligence to “read paperwork and invoices, before categorizing and visualizing P&L insights for supply chain businesses.”

Lista: Aaron Villegas (25)

In the Finance and Venture Capital category, Forbes recognizes Aaron Villegas, the 25-year-old CEO of the finance tracking app, Lista. Since its 2021 launch, Lista has had over 1.6 million downloads, becoming an invaluable tool for individuals and small businesses in the Philippines. According to his Forbes profile, the 25-year-old Villegas’ goal for Lista is to help users “plan spending, track finances, and set payment or debt reminders.”

Shipmates: David Marquez (29)

The Retail & E-commerce category welcomes David Marquez, co-founder of the Manila-based delivery platform Shipmates. According to Forbes, Marquez is driving “next-generation shipping technology and infrastructure for the Philippines,” a timely initiative amidst the pandemic-induced boom in e-commerce.

Toqa: Isabel Sicat (29)

Stepping into the realm of high fashion, Manila-based designer Isabel Sicat earns her place in The Arts category. Co-founder of TOQA, Sicat has been praised by Forbes for her commitment to sustainable fashion, by “turning deadstock fabrics into high fashion.” Toqa fashion is made to order and shipped worldwide from the Philippines.

In its 8th annual regional list released online on May 17 and published in the June Forbes Asia magazine issue, Forbes lauds these young entrepreneurs, saying, “These outstanding young individuals are driven by their determination and desire for positive change”.

Twenty countries and territories are represented on this year’s 30 Under 30 Asia list. To compile the eighth edition of this annual list, the Forbes team of reporters and editors looked into over 4,000 nominations from which the final 300 entries were selected and vetted by a group of highly qualified judges.

These seven Filipino innovators follow in the footsteps of other Filipinos who were included in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Asia lists of past years, with 12 resilient Filipinos honored in 2022, 8 Millennials and Gen Z leaders in 2021, and world champion athletes Carlos Yulo and Margielyn Didal in 2020.

In a world of uncertainty, these young leaders bring hope and proof that with creativity, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to solving problems, the future can indeed be brighter. These Filipinos are not only reshaping their respective industries but also inspiring future generations to dream big and make a difference.

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Source: Good News Pilipinas

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