Metro Manila recorded a decreased positivity rate of people who test for the COVID-19 virus in last week’s monitoring of cases, according to the OCTA Research Group.
The weekly positivity rate started at 19.% on October 1, 2022, and dropped to 17.9% on October 8, indicating the lessening of positive COVID-19 test results.
In a tweet on October 10, 2022, University of the Philippines professor and OCTA Research fellow Dr. Guido David further explained that the reproduction number decreased from 1.10 (as of September 29) to 0.99 (as of October 6), indicating the decreased rate of the average number of people infected by one person.
Metro Manila records decreasing COVID-19 positivity rate@DOHgovph @iamguidodavid
STORY to follow on @GoodNewsPinas_https://t.co/GbQfq4mbsOhttps://t.co/gHZLDT6yxK
— Christian Tacsiat (@Chan_Tacsiat) October 11, 2022
However, despite the downtrend, the National Capital Region still records the highest number among all areas in the country, with 837 positive cases.
The latest Philippine Department of Health (DOH) report listed the country’s latest statistics: 2106 new cases, 33 deaths, 2436 recoveries, 26014 active cases, and a 13.7% nationwide positivity rate.
The DOH also administered 56,267 doses of vaccines yesterday, with an average of 87,082 daily doses in the past 7 days.
Although the positivity rate is declining, the DOH still encourages the public to not be too complacent and to continue wearing facemasks, implementing social distancing, using alcohol, and washing hands regularly.
The health department notes that a sudden spike may be experienced given the more lenient policies and protocols amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the last quarter holiday season.
Filipinos showing the true spirit of resiliency despite the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic include a nurse in the United Kingdom who administered the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine and journalists who kept doing their jobs, demonstrating their tenacity despite quarantine restrictions.
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Source: Good News Pilipinas