Philippine Science High School, DLSU, Team PH poster nab bronze at Geography Olympiad in Paris

iGeo bronze medalists Ryan Abigan of DLSU Integrated School and Sophia Bagnes of PSHS – Bicol Region Campus. Photos from Philippine Geography Olympiad.

Philippine Science High School – Bicol Region Campus’ Sophia Bagnes and De La Salle University Integrated School’s Ryan Abigan won bronze medals while Team Philippines’ infographic poster won 3rd place at the 2022 International Geography Olympiad (iGeo2022) organized by the International Geographical Union local organizing committee in Paris, France.

The 6-member Philippine team, comprised of Bagnes, Abigan, Vinz Imperial of Sorsogon National High School, Jania Galang of PSHS – Central Luzon Campus, and team leaders Elias Dichoso from Sorsogon National High School and Russel Odi from St. Jude Catholic School, joined the 54 teams, 209 students, and 105 team leaders at the annual competition for the best 16 to 19-year-old geography students from all over the world.

The students underwent iGeo’s three-part competition: a written test, a multimedia test and substantial fieldwork requiring observation, leading to cartographic representation and geographical analysis.

The 2022 iGeo Philippine team.

Bagnes was the first runner-up winner of the 2022 Philippine Geography Olympiad.

Abigan was the silver medalist of Team Philippines at the 2021 iGeo organized by Turkey.

The International Geography Olympiad Poster Making Competition win was a first for the Philippine team since joining the iGeo. The winning poster included the country’s situation as the No. 3 producer of plastic pollution in the world and was titled, “Combating the Plastic Epidemic”, in line with the contest theme “Plastic Pollution Effects on Aquatic Ecosystem”.

The 3rd place winning poster of Team Philippines.

The Geographic Society of the University of the Philippines ❨UP GeogSoc❩ organized the participation of the country’s delegates to the 18th iGeo held online from July 12 to 18.

SEND CONGRATULATIONS in the comments below to the winning Team Philippines at the 2022 iGeo Olympiad!

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Source: Good News Pilipinas

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