Farmer parents gift vegetable bouquet to top honor graduate

Cum laude graduate Rosemarie “Rose” Villarin pays tribute to her farmer parents on her graduation day. Photos from City Government of Naga, Cebu FB.

Farmer parents from Naga in Cebu gifted their child with a vegetable bouquet for graduating from university with top honors.

City of Naga scholar Rosemarie “Rose” Villarin made her family proud after earning a Bachelor of Elementary Education degree and graduating with cum laude honors from Cebu Technological University – Naga Extension Campus.

Rose received a heartwarming surprise from her mother, Nanay Senda, a farmer from Barangay Jaguimit. Nanay Senda made Rose’s graduation day extra memorable by spending time with her and giving her the unique gift to celebrate the special occasion.

Rose’s father, Tatay Daniel, could not attend her graduation because he was busy plowing fields and taking care of their livestock.

The City Government of Naga, Cebu’s Facebook page shared photos of Rose and Nanay Senda spending quality time together on her graduation day.

The Facebook post said that Nanay Senda gave Rose a bouquet of vegetables to show her the value of hard work and making sacrifices.

“Tumang kalipay ang gibati ni Nanay Senda nga ni-graduate na ang iyang anak sa college ug bouquet sa mga utanon ang iyang gihatag aron ipasigarbo ang iyang nakab-ot gumikan sa ilang pagpaningkamot ug pagkugi sa pagpanguma,” the City Government of Naga, Cebu’s Facebook page shared on August 18, 2022.


The story behind Nanay Senda’s thoughtful gift touched netizens’ hearts and went viral on social media.

Rose also took to social media to pay tribute to her parents and celebrate her milestone.

“When you sow, you reap! First step is done,” Rose Villarin said in a Facebook post.

Inspiring Filipinos who beat the odds to graduate from college include Jonell Calisin, a former gasoline station attendant and factory worker who finally graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture after over eight years, and Edwin Salvador, a former security guard in Bulacan province who fulfilled his dream of becoming a teacher at 45 years old.

SEND CHEERS in the comments below to City of Naga scholar Rosemarie “Rose” Villarin for earning a Bachelor of Elementary Education degree and graduating with cum laude honors from Cebu Technological University – Naga Extension Campus.

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Source: Good News Pilipinas

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