Butz Bartolome: Tips To Stay Motivated During Tough Times

Butz Bartolome shares business advice.

Whether it’s a breakup, There are tough times in life where we find ourselves in situations that are hard to deal with. job loss, financial problems, health issues, etc…

We tend to get stuck in these situations because we become overwhelmed and feel like nothing can be done to change the situation.

However, there are ways to stay motivated during Its hard times. Here are ways to keep yourself motivated during difficult times.

Optimism is a powerful force in business.

Don’t stop thinking about your future! It will help you remain optimistic and with achievable goals when things don’t go as planned.

It is not easy to be motivated. Our reasons for being so and can vary from one person to another. Some are positive people naturally more driven than others. We were told that there was a way of staying motivated even in the most challenging times? What would happen then? Would this make us feel better or worse? How could we do this? Let me tell you how…

I’m going to share with you a few things that I have learned over the years. These are not just my own personal experiences but also those of many people who have been through situations and found ways to get back on track.

So let’s start by talking about motivation. What is it? Why does one person want something more than another? Is there any way to motivate yourself when times seem challenging or even impossible? The answer is yes!

You can be motivated to do anything you set your mind to. It’s just a matter of how much effort and determination you put into it and what kind of motivation you need to get started on the task at hand.

Suppose you are looking for ways to motivate yourself when things seem difficult or even impossible. In that case, this will help you find some great ideas that may work well for you.

Be grateful. It makes it easier to be happy when times are wrong because you can appreciate all of the good things in your life. It gives you a perspective, which is very important. Suppose you’re always looking at how bad everything could get and feeling sorry for yourself. In that case, you won’t ever feel like doing anything about improving your situation. Instead, look on the bright side and think about ways that you can make improvements.
How do I know if my motivation has waned?

What to do to keep me motivated when things get tough?

Motivation is a tricky thing. It is not easy to be motivated, and it certainly isn’t something that you just wake up one day with. But there are some ways in which we can make sure our motivation stays strong throughout the year. Here’s how:

Be aware of your own motivations – What motivates you? Why do you want to achieve specific goals or complete tasks?

What are the reasons you have chosen a particular career path, and what makes you happy in this job?

How can we motivate ourselves when things get tough? How can we keep our motivation up even if life gets difficult?

Motivation: The Key To Success!

The key to success lies within us. We all know how important motivation is, but sometimes we don’t realize just how powerful it really is, particularly this Coronavirus Pandemic.

Focus on the positive attitude of your current situation. If you focus on the negative situation parts of your present circumstances, this could lead to more stressful times.

How Can I Stay Positive During a Tough Time in My Life?

Think about what is good and right about yourself and others around you. This will help keep you from feeling down or depressed.

What Is A Way To Deal With Stressful Situations?

When faced with stressful situations, try not to overthink them. Instead, just do something that relaxes you, such as listening to music or reading a book.

Stay focused on your daily goals.

You can’t let the world get you down, but it is essential to step back and look at what really matters in life. Make changes to help you achieve success. Don’t be afraid of change because if you don’t try something new, you’ll never know how good or bad things could turn out for you.

Don’t give up! Keep that Positive thinking

Keep a gratitude journal.

Take time to think about all the good things and quality of life.

Write them down and keep them with you at work or home so that when you are feeling low, you can reflect on what is going well for you. It will help lift your spirits!

Do something nice for yourself every day. This may be simple as taking a bath or reading a book. If you have children, do some fun activities together like playing games or watching movies.

If you feel overwhelmed by stress, try doing yoga or meditation.

Remember past triumphs.

Think about how you felt when your last project was completed and the feeling of satisfaction that came with it. This is a great way to get motivated again, especially if you have trouble staying focused on what needs doing next.

Stay away from negative people.

How can I motivate myself in difficult times?

If you have been working hard for some time now, then chances are you will be finding it more difficult to keep going. Don’t let setbacks stop you.

Dream big and plan for the future you want.

You cannot change the past, but you have a choice of what to do now that will affect your life tomorrow.

Prepare a list of all the things in your life right now that are working against you.

And then decide how you’re going to get rid of them.

For example: “I’m not happy with my job.”

“My boss is terrible.”

“I work at a company that is not good.”

“I don’t have enough money to survive.”

Take a moment to envision your ideal future.

* What do you want for yourself and your family?

* How will you feel when you achieve this goal?

* Do you have the skills, knowledge, or resources necessary to make it happen?

* If not, what can you learn about these things that would help you get there?

* Who else could support you in reaching your goals?

* Can you find ways to motivate yourself, so you don’t give up on achieving them?

Use your optimism to take action and prepare for a brighter future.

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CHECK OUT the Philippines’ top mentor Butz Bartolome as he discusses business matters and SHARE THIS STORY with entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who need the advice.

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The post Butz Bartolome: Tips To Stay Motivated During Tough Times appeared first on Good News Pilipinas.

Source: Good News Pilipinas

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