A Mother and Child Care Center has opened at the Department of Science and Technology-Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII).
The newly-built center serves nursing mother-employees who look for a stress-free environment within the office to enable them to work more efficiently.
DOST-STII launched the Mother and Child Care Center on June 24, 2021, as part of its 34th anniversary and to provide a dedicated space for breastfeeding mother-employees with comfort and privacy.
The center is an initiative of the DOST-STII’s GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) and GFPS Technical Working Group in support for the implementation of the Republic Act of 10028, otherwise known as “An act providing incentives to all government and private health institutions with rooming-in and breastfeeding practices and for other purposes.”
“Having a dedicated space for these needs of our mothers would prevent them from being stressed, knowing that you would leave your baby with enough milk supply. With this, the mother-employees will be stress-free and productive in her work,” said DOST-STII Director Richard P. Burgos and Institute’s GFPS Chair.
He assured that DOST-STII GFPS has full support in maintaining and improving this kind of facility because it would not only serve the employees but also their visitors in the future.
“We see the importance of having this kind of facility in our office because if you take care of your people, they will be happy mothers and happy employees, they will become more productive,” said Dir. Burgos.
The said establishment has a set of equipment that includes a bed, couch, portable sink, and refrigerator. A dedicated play area for toddlers is also available. The DOST-STII GFPS Technical Working Group Internal is now preparing the guidelines and protocols for the proper use and management of the center.
DOST-STII’s DOSTv and STARBOOKS have been hailed for using gender-fair language.
SEND CHEERS in the comments below to DOST-STII for setting up its new Mother and Child Care Center!
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Source: Good News Pilipinas