Filipino conglomerate SM Investments Corporation (SMIC) and BDO Unibank have received the highest honors for sustainability from the Hong Kong magazine, The Asset.
SM and BDO were recognized by Hong Kong-based multi-media company Asset Publishing and Research Ltd. for their performance in sustainability amid a year that put to the test companies’ commitment to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG).
Both companies received Platinum Awards, the highest honors under The Asset ESG Corporate Awards 2020 for the 12th consecutive year for SMIC and the 11th straight year for BDO.
The Asset ESG Corporate Awards are the longest-running ESG awards in Asia given annually by the research house, Asset Benchmark Research.
With regard to the assessment process, companies were evaluated on a range of factors including financial performance, management, corporate governance, social and environmental responsibility, and investor relations.
SM Group also ranked in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index and was named among Asia’s Top Community Care Companies for 2020.
SEND CONGRATULATIONS in the comments below to SM and BDO for receiving The Asset HK’s highest honors for sustainability.
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Source: Good News Pilipinas