The ‘Undas Online’ website is ready to accept prayer requests for departed loved ones as cemeteries all over the Philippines will be closed on All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day in line with government regulations to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease.
In a news release on October 9, 2020, the media office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said the website has been revived so Filipinos can still observe the solemn holiday and request prayers for their loved ones who have passed on. Cemeteries will be closed nationwide from October 29 to November 4, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Undas Online was initially designed as a facility to request for Masses for the deceased and is intended for seafarers and those in other countries who have no way of celebrating Undas.
The CBCP announced that the platform now has new features which allow Filipinos to have the full Undas virtual experience, including:
- Live online Masses that will be streamed from different places
- Audio and video reflection on All Souls Day
Catechesis - Prayer requests, petitions, and requests for Mass
- Lighting a candle online while praying for the departed
Visit the Undas Online website to send your prayer or petition.
In the CBCP report, Bishop Broderick Pabillo encouraged the faithful to observe Undas by going to church and attending Mass.
“On November 1 and 2, all are encouraged to go to Church and offer Mass for our beloved dead. The Holy Eucharist is the best prayer that we can offer,” Pabillo said.
More Masses will be added by parish churches in the archdioceses in order to accommodate churchgoers while still observing physical distancing and safety measures against COVID-19.
Cavite cemeteries have been given permission to open to visitors for All Souls Day observance from October 1 to 27, instead of the annual trek on November 1.
All Souls’ Day e-Mass Cards for COVID victims are also available on the Radio Veritas website.
SEND CHEERS in the comments below to the CBCP for its Undas Online which accepts prayer requests for departed loved ones.
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Source: Good News Pilipinas