PHLPost  to help set up community Postal Stations

PHLPost community Postal Stations
LGUs are now allowed to operate local postal stations like this one in Taysan Batangas.

The Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) is helping set up community Postal Stations run by Local Government Units (LGUs).

LGUs in the country are now allowed to operate and maintain a Postal Station to cater to areas in dire need of postal and financial facilities needed for community development.

In partnership with PHLPost, the local government will provide the facility and hire employees to set up Postal Stations in strategic areas such as communities/barangays or public markets subject to operational supervision of PHLPost.

The purpose of this project is to bring local government services closer to their constituents.

PHLPost would like to extend its market to as many settlements in the country pursuant to its universal service obligation of providing postal services to the public. 

PHLPost will provide the marketing equipment and initial stocks as well as training of LGU personnel who will handle the Postal Station.

The LGU Post Office Operator must be authorized by the Sangguniang Bayan through a resolution to enter an agreement with PHLPost in setting up a postal station.

Deliveries of postal products, services and merchandise shall be requested by the LGU Post Office Operator to the designated PHLPost postage stamp custodian or Postmaster where the postal station is situated.

Still relevant in the communication industry, PHLPost is the duly designated national postal operator in the Philippines which has the manpower and the network capability to deliver mails, goods and payment services anywhere in the country and around the world.  The postal service is an active member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the primary forum for cooperation among global postal sector players.

PHLPost has continued to serve the public even amid the pandemic with priority service for frontline mail and ensuring mail and postal office staff are COVID-free.

SEND CHEERS in the Comments below to PHLPost for encouraging LGUs set up community postal stations.

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Source: Good News Pilipinas

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